Gwibber Social Networking Client for Linux

Gwibber, yet another step ahead, for social network users. Now Linux users don’t need to login to different social network sites like facebook, twitter, flickr, etc. Get them all at one place. Gwibber, an application, available in Ubuntu 10.10 is easy to configure and be used by any one.

Other Linux Users can easily download it from
Below is the way to configure it.
Step 1 : “Open Gwibber from Applications –> Internet –> Gwibber”
Select social networking site from the list. Example Facebook

After Selecting “Click on Add button”
Step 2 : “Click on Authorize button”
This will take you to the login page of Facebook inside Gwibber.
Step 3 : “Provide your username and password and click on Login button.”
Note : This will ask you for allowing gwibber to access your facebook account.
Step 4 : “Click on Allow”
Now add it in your list of social sites so…..
Finally Click on Add button” (as shown below)

This will show you your facebook site in Left Pane of Gwibber.You can add more sites by clicking on Add button just below the left pane
For now “Click on Close Button”
A Window will open up and on the left side there are buttons available.

Small button with Facebook is the home page of your Facebook account and just below are the buttons for
Messages received, Images in your account, Sent messages
Note : Use “Edit Menu –> Accounts” to add more buttons

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