Approved Host Codero Streamlines Control Panel for its Customers

  Today we are speaking with Nicholas Gaugler, VP of Development at Codero Hosting about the recent upgrades and benefits it brings to their customers.
The layout and graphics are stunning in the new portal. It looks totally rebuilt from the last version. I understand that customer usability was the main focus of the re-design.

How long did the reworking take of the Server Portal and did you consult with clients on the navigation?

We began focusing on the new Server Portal in July of 2010 and launched the official version in early December, spending just over 5 months on the project. We used feedback from Codero employees and clients over the last year as a starting point for feature enhancements and built from there. Additionally we also surveyed our existing customer base during the process to further help guide the design and development cycle. In November, we launched a beta program where we rolled the software out to additional subsets of our customer base weekly to obtain more user input and suggestions.

Are customers able to remotely reboot their servers using Server Portal?

Yes, Remote Reboot tool is currently available in the initial release, as its own section within the portal. With the next release (SP v2.1), Remote Reboot along with other features will be moved into the server management section giving customers better navigation than even SP v2.0 offers.

Are customers able to review bandwidth data using Server Portal?

Two methods are available for viewing bandwidth. The first, allows one to see the actual amount of transfer a server utilized, down to the IP address, on a given day or over a given period. The second method provides a view of bandwidth through switch port traffic graphs. This allows for insight into traffic patterns at various times throughout the day providing a better understanding of the server’s use and visitor base.
Can you elaborate on Cloud and what functions will be built in to Server Portal for Cloud servers?
Cloud is an amazing thing, we actually have multiple clouds deployed right now at Codero hosting our Server Portal, corporate website and other systems our customers and employees use daily and we love it. Putting applications or websites in the cloud at Codero allows you to run your application or website in a highly available virtualized environment. The beauty of cloud is you can customize your solution without worrying about the hardware behind the scenes. It provides the ability to pick and choose the exact specifications you want and have a virtualized instance up and running within a matter of minutes. The new Server Portal will fully integrate with our new cloud offering and provide the ability to increase resources and create one or 100 cloud instances and have them ready in a matter of minutes. Customers will also be able to pick and choose the exact operating system, or clone an existing cloud, if they already have an instance set up exactly how they want. You will also be able to change the resources allocated to an existing cloud as well, whether you want to increase (or decrease) the processing power, RAM or even hard drive space. Cloud is very remarkable and I think it will amaze customers just as it has amazed us.
Resellers may be interested in knowing what additional features will be available to them when Server Portal is updated.
Anything you can share with our readers on that?
Server Portal 2.0 was rebuilt from the ground up with cloud users and resellers on top of our priorities, for this reason we built the new Server Portal on top of a brand new Codero API. When this new API is released, customers will have all of the same features and functionality that exists in Server Portal v2.0′’s web user interface available to them via an API. This allows resellers to integrate their systems with Codero’’s, automating actions and reducing workloads, or the ability to build their own portal interface for their customers. For those resellers that like everything about our Server Portal and want to offer some or all of that functionality to their customers, we also are developing functionality that will allow a reseller to have their customers log into SPv2 and manage only the specific portions of the resold customers’ services that the reseller wants them to manage. It will have a personalized look and feel by the reseller, of course. These two features were some of the top necessities we determined a great portal should have, which is why we invested the resources to build Server Portal v2.0 for our customers and their needs.
Take a look inside Codero’s customer Server Portal:

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