Get a Short Facebook Profile Link

Hi every one nice to see you we have use this article from our friend website. Today I will tell you something interesting which will make your facebook profile link short. As we all now have a facebook account. It has been big news for everyone to know about what’s new in facebook. Lots of people will show interest in there facebook accounts, that your profile should look and the new profile thumbnail pictures and etc. Some people will also concentrate on there facebook profile link. Actually the profile id of facebook is pretty long with some codes and numbers in it. It will represent your facebook account in the database of facebook. Now facebook gave a opportunity to change your profile id link too. Instead of the long number s and code links which are very ugly to see, can be replaced with any name which you want.
Which means that I can replace my profile id with any name I want, but first it should be available in the database? For example take a look at my friends profile id which is somewhat like this as you can see the profile link is very big and looks weird. You can change that link to whatever name you want. That means he can change it to. if it is available. Orelse he can go to This looks very neat and professional. I have changed my Facebook profile id to which looks neat and relative to my site url. Similarly you can create a short facebook link to your fan pages, apps and etc. To make your facebook link short follow these simple steps.
  1. Login to your facebook Account.
  2. Open This Link
  3. You will be redirected to a page.
  4. In that Select your Profile ID and it asks your desired username.
  5. Type the desired username in the given box and check availability.
  6. If it is available then click on confirm.
Before you confirm it, you have to keep some rules in mind.
  1. You can’t change the username once you set it.
  2. You can’t transfer the ownership of a username to another party.
  3. You can’t violate anyone else’s trademark rights.
  4. If you are acquiring a username to sell it in the future (squatting), you will lose it.
  5. Usernames may be reclaimed for other unauthorized usages.
If these things are ok with you then change your username now. This is one type of making a short facebook profile link. If you want to know the second step. Just follow this Links below. This application is called as Memorable Web Address For your Facebook Profile. Follow the same steps which are in step 1. Just click this Link to open the link.

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