6 Tips Twitter Useful For Beginners

I want to tell you more about the third-busiest site in the world of Twitter. You are here: You are reading a blog just to find "Twitter, twitter, twitter .. 'everywhere. To define it, we can say that" a social networking site that allows its members to brief updates day and status and share with their followers are known as Twitter. " If you have not already begun to discover what Twitter is, its power and marketing ability, then you're in the right place. In this article I will give helpful tips for beginners 6 Twitter to tell them what they can do in their first day on Twitter and how they can take their business to the next level using Twitter. This article was produced only for beginners, not for everyone.

6 What can be done on the first day on Twitter

Tip-1: You can share links

Some sites are long URLs that can not be divided in Twitter just inside the 140 characters. But there is nothing to fear. You can easily try a free URL shortening service like bit.ly, adf.ly and more!

Tip-2: Use DM Direct Mail

You can send messages directly to your Twitter account. The DM function may be located in your control panel Twitter. You can send messages and make a good conversation there. However, you will not be able to send messages to people who follow you.

Council-3: The correct use of the @ sign, while meeting

If you want to get in contact with a Twitter user, you can easily use the @ sign, any contact or respond to this guy. But remember, everyone would be in your followers' list can be verified.

Council-4: Using the # hash-tags to categorize your Tweets

If you want to do more, or tweets, or just block them, just use the hash tag. Suppose, if you are willing to tweet on IPAD, try # iPad. This will help you see tweets iPad when a man in search of tweets on twitter iPad.

Tips-5: RT used to ReTweet

If you find a tweet (formerly published by a member that you are after), worth sharing, so you can re-tweet it easy. Besides, you can give some credit to the acute setting RT @ username then paste Tweet.

Tip-6: Use TwitPic to share photos

You can easily share photos on Twitter. TwitPic is the most common and widely used. If you want to try something new, then you can choose TwitGoo.com

These are some basic but useful Twitter for new users and base. I hope it will be useful.

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